Create your own DIY public signage for a walkable city

Walk Your City photoFrom lobster boats blockading coal shipments to a renegade activist who shut down an entire power plant, there are some forms of environmental direct action that are forever destined to be a thorn in the side of the authorities.

And then there's Walk [Your City]

It was originally conceived of as a guerrilla "wayfinding" campaign, in which Matt Tomasulo designed and posted signage around Raleigh, NC, promoting just how easy it is to walk to get around. But as Alex already reported, while the signage was originally unsanctioned, Raleigh's powers that be unanimously voted to reinstate the signage as a pilot program to see how it performed. Tomasulo, however, wasn't satisfied with shifting perceptions in Raleigh. He also launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund an open source platform for designing and creating your own signage for your own city.

That site is now up and operational, and citizens around the country are using it to help themselves and others reimagine their urban spaces.

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